How to Win Against Emotion

One truth about me:

I am so full of emotions that it plagues over the entirety of my being.

Love rushes my heart as joy pours from my fingertips, drawing the umbrella to hang overhead, as pain pours down on me mentally- could you grasp the picture?

Yeah, I condemned myself for the longest.
I still do at times, when times feel loneliest.

Battling anxiety, I often wished I could feel less- until I realized that would never be the cure; I had an issue with balance.

At times, I am an extremist. Either too far left, or too far right with what I am feeling. I could never seem to master the middle ground. The equilibrium. The center of calm in the midst of contrast.

Years of rejected emotions, left my core separate from self. I needed to accept that all that I feel, is all that I am because without feeling – are we really experiencing in totality?

I had to accept my emotions as apart of me, as apart of who I am- in order to be able to observe and understand their significance.

I couldn’t possibly observe what I was repressing, just as I couldn’t understand without my innerstanding accepting it first.

As women, we are stigmatized as being dramatic within our emotions, but I will no longer view my emotional state in a negative connotation.
I am emotionfull: full of emotions that reflect how full of life I am. that’s how I am winning.

3 thoughts on “How to Win Against Emotion

  1. As I read this article with the recent turn of events in my life, tears dropped down my face. So ironic as I read about emotions but this article gave me validation that I am not not the only one who feels this way. Thank you for such a lovely article!


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